- When you place an order with us, you are making an offer to buy goods. We will send you an e-mail to confirm that we have received your order.For information on how your personally identifiable data is used please view our Privacy Policy.
- Your order will not be deemed accepted by us until it has been dispatched. Dispatch of your order will confirm acceptance and that a contract has been made between us.
- In the unlikely event that the goods are no longer available, or that we have made a pricing mistake, we will advise you of this. Your order will not be dispatched, and there will be no contract between us.
- Images of products on this website are for illustrative purposes only. Your goods may vary slightly from the image shown on the website and will not include any of the pictured accessories, unless stated in the specification of the goods.
- We have made every effort to display as accurately as possible the colours of our products that appear on this website. However, we cannot guarantee that your monitor’s display of any colour will accurately reflect the colour of the actual goods.
- Whilst we try to be as accurate as possible, all information provided is approximate and is provided in good faith.
- This contract is covered by Australian law.
- By placing an order with us, you agree to and accept these terms, as well as our privacy policy and the terms of website use.
- When you place an order with us, you are making an offer to buy goods. We will send you an e-mail to confirm that we have received your order.For information on how your personally identifiable data is used please view our Privacy Policy.